Tax Services Cape Town

Tax law is a complicated affair that changes with each season. Through rigorous professional training and routine participation in industry briefings, we sustain mastery of the current tax law, complex tax code, and new tax regulations. This discipline enables us to offer a full range of tax planning, preparation, and support services.

Tax Consultants Cape town

Failure to remain tax compliant is a mistake many business owners succumb to due to increased expansion and poor tax management solutions. The inability to file for tax or remain compliant with South African tax laws can shoot down businesses before reaching their full potential. Accredited tax consultants cape town experts at TST Accounting ensure error-free and relevant financial records are available for perusal in a timeous manner.


Tax Preparation

Are you anxious about filing your own tax returns? Even a simple return may require multiple forms. The instructions often evoke more questions than answers. While a computer software program may help, there’s no substitute for the quality of service and advice you’ll receive from an experienced tax professional.

Here are a few of the benefits you’ll reap when using our service:

  • We’ll prepare all of the appropriate forms and record all figures and calculations accurately.
  • We’ll make sure that you receive all of the deductions and credits to which you are entitled.
  • We’ll file your return electronically to speed delivery of refunds.
  • We’ll work with you to adjust your payroll withholding to make sure you send the right amount to each tax authority – no more, no less.
  • We’ll show you how to adjust your finances to take advantage of tax benefits on future returns.

Are you a sole proprietor? Have you been so focused on your business that you haven’t paid close attention to your books? No worries!

Let us help you increase profit and decrease tax

Contact Us

Tax Planning

Proactive planning is the key to minimizing your tax liability. We work with businesses and individuals to pay the least amount of tax required by law. A few of the strategies that we consider include:

  • Splitting income among several family members or legal entities to take advantage of lower income tax brackets
  • Shifting income or expenses from one year to another when it can yield a lower tax rate.
  • Deferring or eliminating tax liability through the use of tax-advantaged investment vehicles .
  • Taking advantage of tax credits.
  • Tracking all expenses eligible for itemized deduction.

Your unique circumstances will determine the strategies that we can employ to maximize the money you keep in your pocket. We'll tidy things up and prepare your Schedule as part of your personal income tax return. Then we'll help you set up an easy system to keep your books current going forward.

Tax Solutions

Indirect taxes registrations

Dispute resolution

Tax compromises

Income tax return submission

Account resolutions in respect of all taxes

Provisional tax return calculations and submission

SARS tax consultants

Tax Problems

Even if you have not been targeted for an SARS Audit, you may be aware of problems that will catch up with you eventually. Common examples include:

  • Missed tax filings for one or more years
  • Insufficient funds to pay the tax liability when due
  • Failure to remit payroll taxes

We’ll work with you to review your prior tax years and make sure that all of your tax filings have been submitted accurately. If you don’t know what’s included in your tax record, we’ll help you get copies from the tax authorities without raising any “red flags.” We’ll assess your tax liability and the associated interest and penalties. Then, we’ll work with you on an approach to negotiation.

For example: You may be able to settle your tax debt for less than the full amount owed if the tax authority deems your offer to be the most they might collect within a reasonable time period. This arrangement is referred to as an Offer In Compromise.

We could work with the tax authority on a Payment Plan to resolve your debt. This approach protects you from asset seizure to settle your obligations. It may be possible to secure relief on penalties and/or compound interest. The SARS provides Innocent Spouse Relief when for an aggrieved party when his or her spouse or former spouse failed to report income, reported income improperly, or claimed improper deductions or credit. If your circumstances do not lend themselves to a negotiated settlement, then it may be necessary to seek protection through a Bankruptcy filing.

It is far better to face your problems than to wait for them to land on your doorstep. Our tax consultants cape town team is here to help in any way we can. Contact us to receive more information about our Tax Preparation, Planning and Troubleshooting services.


Any confusion surrounding the interpretation of figures is dispelled through our tax assurance services due to our highly competent staff who review your records. Despite filing tax returns annually, every business owner’s nightmare is to misinterpret figures, but an accountant adept in all issues tax-related reduces the risk of being led astray by hidden information risks. Small to medium-sized businesses grossly benefit from tax assurance services provided by TST Accounting, with our competent tax consultants cape town team which is well versed in tax proceedings who assists in the evaluation of figures. A certified tax accountants assume both assurance and consultancy roles, keeping track of the practice’s records and ensuring the welfare of business management.

We specialise in dispute resolution and the taxpayer’s rights in terms of the Tax Administration Act and our Constitution, including resolving accounts issues and utilising all channels available to us in terms of the Tax Administration Act.

Getting started, with Personal Tax Services

TST Accounting, Making Tax easy – Do you want peace of mind knowing that your personal tax returns are being dealt with correctly and that you are not making mistakes and getting on the wrong side of SARS? We can take that burden off your shoulders! The advantage of working with Personal Tax Services above all is that YOU, the client will always receive our unparalleled personal attention in dealing with your tax affairs. Get started now by clicking here.

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Company Registration

Registering your business with CIPC is the first step of formalising your business .Business that wish to transcat with the government as and the fromal sector or that wish to access certain types of government support are generally required to be registered with CIPC.We handle all the paperwork for you.

Company & Trust Formation

  • CIPC company registrations and administration
  • Structuring of new businesses
  • Company Secretarial Services
  • Accounting and Financial Advisory
  • Preparation of Wills
  • Estate Planning and Adminstration of Estates
  • Due deligence reporting
  • Trust formation ,adminstration ,and Independent Trust Services.Advanced Wealth protection and preservation advisory


Submitting your tax return is not enough. We submit and do a professional tax structuring and financial need analysis for you. With this holistic approach, we can reduce your tax burden and ensure you utilise all your tax benefits. This also allows us to save you money on your insurance, taxes and give you peace of mind that your financial needs are addressed when planned or unexpected life events occur.


  • Tax planning advice
  • Tax cleareance certificate
  • Provisional tax returns (IRP 6)
  • Deceased Estates tax returns and compliance
  • Registration for VAT ,PAYE and Income Tax
  • Completion and Submission of VAT 201,PAYE,UIF and SDL(EMP 201)
  • Income Tax adminstration and submissions for individuals and businesses(ITR14 and ITR12)

Accounting Service

We offer you the right tools for your business and individuals accounting needs which gives you move time to focus on your businesswhile we worry about the numbers .Our proffesional accountants are here to help with the accounting services for your business


  • Monthly Bookeeping
  • Indepented Reviews
  • Valution of businesses
  • Training of client's accountant personnel
  • Developing and Implemanting accountant systems
  • Preparation of management accounts ,budgets, and cash flows projections
  • Compilation of financial statements for individuals ,organaztion and small to big business enterprise


Employees are a company's greatest asset.Hence their payroll , taxes , UIF and other statutory requirements need to be on time ,up to date and align to the regulation .Outsource all your payroll needs to us today as we have the expertise you need

Payroll Services

  • Employee payslip processing
  • Monthly calculation of salaries and wages
  • Calculation and submission of PAYE, UIF, and SDL liability(EMP201)
  • B-Annual Payroll reconciliation (EMP201) and IRP5 certificates.

Training & Tutorship Services

We can provide a sseries of training from basic accounting to generation procedures of financial reports using accounting softwares.We also train accounting softwares such as QuickBooks ,and practical training of Bookeeping to Trial Balance

Training & Tutorship Services

  • Tax planning advice
  • Tax cleareance certificate
  • Training Accounting Softwares (Xero,Pastal ,Quickbooks)
  • Practical Training of Bookeeping to Trial Balance

Business Plans

We offer business plan writing services for any business .Our business plan specialist will setup your business plan for funding and tenders within 1 week.

Business Plans & Other Services

  • Commissioner of Oaths
  • Business Plans
  • Property Valuation
  • Investments
  • Wealth creation and Wealth building